Monthly BBQ fellowship 

Howdy, the plan is for a monthly trip out to a top tier BBQ place for lunch on a Sunday afternoon and maybe an occasional Saturday morning. The sample of potential places are Coopers, Blacks, Original Blacks, etc (Where to Eat Barbecue in Austin). We will not be wasting our time with Smoky Mo’s or similar fast food BBQ. After each meal we will rate the BBQ with the official Chat GPT BBQ grading worksheet (Grading Sheet), to hopefully find the BBQ you like the best.

Dates & Places:
January 21th - InterStellar BBQ
February 25th - Brotherton’s Black Iron Barbecue
March 24th - Distant Relatives
May -TBD
June -TBD
July -TBD
August -TBD
September -TBD
October -TBD
November -TBD
December -TBD